Trondheim 2016
1.-2. June

Minutes of the meeting:
Meeting participants:
The participants

Small photo of Stinne and Paal

Program and presentations (the prefixes to the presentations refer to the Appendix numbers in the Minutes):
App1 Program
App2 Participation list
App3 EASA Network of Analysts (Pål Ranestad)
App4 Avinor bird strike statistics (Pål Ranestad)
App5 Bird strike statistics Danish airports (Jens Erik Ditlevsen)
App6 Finnish bird strike statistics (Jukka-Pekka Nikolajeff)
App7 Wildlife management plan at Aalborg Airport (Stinne Louise Hjorth)
App8 New Vagar Airport and the bird control (Rúni Emil Johansen)
App9 Viltövervakning och skyddsjakt [Wildlife monitoring and bird strikes] (Jörgen Andersson, by Martin Ekenstierna)
App10 Fåglar på Malmö Airport [Birds at Malmö Airport] (Martin Ekenstierna)
App11 Malmö airport fågelbok [Malmö airport bird book] (Martin Ekenstierna)
App12 Malmö riskbedömning av fåglar [Malmö Risk assessment of birds] (Martin Ekenstierna)
App13 Malmö Kompetensprov Viltkontroll [Malmö qualification certificate wildlife control] (Martin Ekenstierna)
App14 Malmö airport fågelkarta [Malmö airport bird map] (Martin Ekenstierna)
App15 Avinor bird control mitigating measures (Pål Ranestad)
App16 Avinor's Risk analysis bird- and wildlife control (Christian K. Aas)
App17 Finavia methods and education in bird control (Juha Joutsen)
App18 Bird control at Såtenäs airport (Claes-Göran Malm)
App19 Conspicuous pied propellers 2016 (Christian K. Aas)
App20 Viltkontrollantutbildning Malmö airport och Swedavia [Education of wildlife control at Malmö airport and Swedavia] (Martin Ekenstierna]
App21 Avinor bird control education (Pål Ranestad)
Albert de Hoon presented the World Birdstrike Association
App22 Introduction to birds of concern (Christian K. Aas)
App23 Bird radar at Trondheim airport and some features (Erik Løvli)
App24 ATC's point of view to the bird radar at Trondheim airport (Magne Jerpstad)
App25 EASA regulation 139 on aerodromes - wildlife (Jens Erik Ditlevsen) 
Isavia_presentation at NBSAG